Best Pet Carriers And Pet Travel Kits

When you purchase a pet carrier for your pet it must be the correct size for your particular pet. Cat carriers may be purchased as medium sized carriers or extra-large carriers depending on the size of your cat. Also available are soft crates that are waterproof which can prevent your pet from getting wet. Should you wish to take your pet in the car on holiday, there are carriers designed for car seats which enable your pet to remain safe in the car. Also available for purchase are other accessories for pet travel such as covers for car seats as well as car seat belts for pets, etc.

There are many helpful travel products for pets which will assist you once you’ve arrived at your holiday destination. Carriers that have soft sides will enable you to keep your pet contained when necessary. There are backpacks available for you to take your dog in on hikes as well as life jackets should your dog enjoy a swim and also mats for napping while camping.

Should you be taking a trip in a vehicle with your dog, it will be fairly easy for you to find a dog travel crate that will fit into your car since most of these travel crates are actually designed for a car. However, should you and your dog be travelling by aeroplane, before going out and buying a crate, it would be best to discover beforehand what the airline’s policy regarding crates is. This is because airlines specify the dimensions as well as the rules for pets travelling in crates on planes. Luckily, quite a number of carriers for pets are already approved by airlines.

There is a good quality 2-door dog crate available for purchase called the Pet-mate. This carrier is the ideal item for your pet’s transport. It is made from heavy duty plastic, is lightweight and also easy to clean. These travel crates for pets have in all 4 corners, tie-down holes which enables them to have more stability when travelling. They also have a hole which allows the door to be closed using zip-ties for travelling.

A further great tip is to head to a store that assembles and sells kits that are useful for pet travel to destinations like mountains, lakes or the beach. These can include food/water bowls for pet carriers, pet pads, calming chews and snacks and also carrier locks or “Live Animal” stickers.

It is also possible for you to pack your own travel kit for your pet. Make sure to add items like waste bags, food, water, dog leash, pet toys, bed and blankets and any documentation that may be required should state lines be crossed, e.g. Rabies vaccination records.